The "illustrated experience" and "projects" portions of my webpages hint how along with science, much of my background and current activity involves graphic artistry. Because my father was a serious photographer as well as scientist, I knew many images by Edward Steichen, Ansel Adams, and Edward Weston (among others) literally before I could read. Work of their quality that surrounded our family -- including through regularly venturing to the next large town to the west, where the George Eastman museum displayed an unsurpassed collection of originals. Hence, if my formal training might seem limited, my eyes have been treated with the very best from their start, then pursued libraries and other museums thoroughly, followed with my own collection of books and images, intensively supplemented all the looking with reading about the theory behind the pictures, and interacting as often as possible with other artists. Seriously making my own images did not began until 1971, but quickly began collecting peer and professional respect, which has continued to grow.
The recorded scenes that follow have been distilled for reasonable transmission and screen display capabilities, and so contain less than 1 percent of the information and other qualities of their originals. Viewing quality accordingly is restrained.
Archival fine print versions, and permissions for other image uses, are available
Please do enjoy this selection, and enact links to these images as you will, but please, please respect their copyright. They did not arise without effort, and fairness would share values from using them with their creator. Thank you.
all images and site design © 2009 by Terence Yorks (contact), all rights reserved;
further distribution or postings in any form, without written permission, is strictly forbidden,while hotlinks leading to this page are encouraged.
Before most Americans had heard of Kuwait, a consulting job there led to a stop along the way back to search for possible ancestors in Wales. This 1986 image sums some of the feelings of place there. The bucolic scene was hotter than it looks, beset as it was at that moment with invisible to the eye contamination from the nuclear power disaster at Chernobyl in Russia. North Wales was the area where the first downwind rain fell, after the inevitable had caught up with yet another inappropriate technology in the spring of that year. When someone finally got around to measuring the elemental load, shortly after this photograph was made, most of the sheep that are visible in higher resolution versions of this photograph, along with their kin, had to be killed, as dangerously radioactive from grazing plants so heavily dusted with the nuclear power fallout.
The formally endangered Maguire's primrose hints at more of the varied beauty that human carelessness threatens. Logan Canyon, Utah. Summer 1993.
In contrast, some of the more interesting parts of what humans are capable of is reflected by this view of a sunset from a restaurant sited high within the water towers that supplied the city of Kuwait. Shot in August 1986, much of the horizon haze was supplied by burning tankers in the Arabian Gulf, collateral damage from the nearby Iran-Iraq war. One feels the nearness of space, but was daily reminded of the immanence of soon to become worse local danger.
Waiting for a highway reconstruction delay has never been more satisfying. It was the bird-shaped cloud that caught my attention, beyond the mountains themselves. Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. October 1989.
Looking west from Antelope Island in the Great Salt Lake, Utah. March 2005.
Weather in the mountains is almost always interesting. Logan Canyon, Utah. May 1991.
My 1966 registered Alfa Romeo near Medicine Bow, Wyoming in the summer of 1981. A mechanical fantasy.
Hiking companions nearly 25 miles from any road, facing into the wind at 13,000 feet, Weminuche Wilderness, Colorado, late September 1978.
From a book for which I am trying to find a publisher, like those that follow. This is Kjeungskjaer Fyr, considered by locals to be one of the most scenic lighthouses in Norway, from the MS Nordnorge in early February, 2001, before an oncoming snow squall.
Dawn on the same winter journey, east of Harstad, well north of the Arctic Circle (nearly 69 degrees N latitude). February 2001.
Approaching Tromsø in the late afternoon. February 2001.
A pinnacle of experience: the radar dome at Nordkapp, which is the furthest north point in Europe, at the same latitude as Point Barrow, Alaska, outside alone in a light ground blizzard, near sunset (14:30). February 2001.
Barents Sea ice coating the MS Nordnorge, docked briefly at Vardø, Norway. February 2001.
From a more tranquil trip, in Gerainger Fjord, Norway, on the MS Nordnorge. April 2000.
And now for something completely different: Zabriske Point, Death Valley, California. May 1986.
Barley, ready for harvest, Farmington, Washington. August 1982.
Rising moon, Monument Valley. Like the rest of these images, Photoshop™ was used only to get this display closer to the original slide quality, not to add something missing originally (without arguing that such play is always bad!).
Springtime for the Cache la Poudre River, Colorado. May 1983.
Lower Falls of the Yellowstone, Wyoming. May 1982.
Grasses affecting snow, Smithfield Canyon, Utah. December 2005. The only digital original in the set; the rest originated with Kodachrome or Kodak black and white films, in either 35 mm (via OM2) or 6x6 (Hasselblad) format.
Are you sure you want to?
This is the inside of the door.
Aboard the Canadien, during our rail trip completely across both Canada and the U.S., on the section between Jasper and Edmonton, Alberta. April 2004.
Some human made things do last. Stonehenge, England. September 1986.
Enhanced quality, custom-sized, archival prints are available,
as are permissions for other uses,
for these and other images.
contact Terence Yorks
Yorksite Home Page / Education / Experience / Publications / Projects / Slow Blog / Quotations / Web Trolls / Experimental Movie Portfolio
all images and site design © 2006 and 2009 by Terence Yorks (contact), all rights reserved;
further distribution or postings in any form without written permission is strictly forbidden
page updated 5 January 2018