Expertise field tested with more than 50 years of laboratory, computer, photographic, and social experience... |
Terence P. Yorks, principal scientist |
principal educational background |
statistically valid analyses for complex situations; |
Ph.D., Texas A&M University |
chemical structure to activity relationships; | M.S., New Mexico Highlands University |
quantitative and aesthetic documentation. |
B.S., Colorado State University |
including some other aspects of our work...
High Level Press | High Level Editing |
Producing quality photographic and scientific books. |
Improving text, graphics, and indexing |
Premier publication released July 2017: Silver Eagles Taking Flight
for more than 50 university press authors, so far. | |
reaching HLR |
images and site design © 2017 by Terence
all rights reserved
page revised 11 September 2017